Dar-es-Salaam en Tanzanie avec Asanterra

Dar Es Salaam


The words Dar es Salaam in Arabic means “haven or place of peace”.

Dar es Salaam, also commonly referred to as Dar, is the largest city in Tanzania. It is a bustling seaport on the east coast of the country that sits at the centre of important shipping routes.

Relatively recent, it doesn’t have any major touristic interest. The city itself is an eclectic mix of Swahili, German, Asian and British architecture, reflecting its colonial past and more recent history.

the Oyster Bay and the pool garden

The Oyster Bay

the Oyster Bay and the living-room

The Oyster Bay


If it is only for a transit of a few hours, a hotel near the airport is undoubtedly the best option. However, if you have to stay more than 12 hours in the economic capital, it’s worth to face the sometimes long traffic jams in order to stay in accommodation offering more than just a good bed. A beautiful sunset, maybe…

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